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Here it is!  The center piece in my living room.  This 29 gallon tank currently has 6 Zebra Danios, 6 Bloodfin Tetras, 2 Bala Sharks, 4 Cory catfish, 1 Oto cat, 1 Blue Dwarf Gourami, and 1 Sunset Dwarf Gourami.

These guys are fairly active, and some of the antics are quite amusing!

Here is one of the stars of my tank, the Bala sharks.  Since I've got them, one has really grown and is now about a 1/2inch longer then the other.  Their names are David and Goliath.

This is one of my Zebra Danios.  His name is Spot because, well, he has two spots on his side :o)
Here are two of the Bloodfin Tetras.  Pictures don't do these guys justice.  They're a beautiful white/silver fish with bright red fins.  Very colorful!


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